



AIRAN KANG  (b.1960)


Present. Professor at Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea
2009  Ph.D Tama Art University, Tokyo, Japan
2002  Visiting Scholar at New York University, Department of Art and Art Professions, New York, USA
1987   M.F.A. Tama Art University, Tokyo, Japan
1983   B.F.A. Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea


2024  The Contemplation of Books, The Empty of Light, Gallery Simon, Seoul, Korea
2023  Luminous Art Book Project: Record of the Refulgence , Seoul Art Book Bogo, Seoul
2022  Light, Interspace, Book, Space Type, LG Art Center, Seoul, Korea
2021  The Bookshelf Enlightened, The Book Company, Seoul, Korea
2020  Room for Reflection, Gallery Simon, Seoul, Korea
2019  Sublime - The Space of Heterotopia: Restore Po Goo Nyo Goan, 
2019  Ewha Womans University Seoul Hospital Po Goo Nyo Goan, Seoul, Korea
2016  A Room of Her Own, Arko Art Center, Seoul, Korea
2015  The Luminous Poem, Bryce Wolkowitz Gallery, New York, USA
2014  The Concern of Book, the Consolation of Light, Gallery Simon, Seoul, Korea
2013  The Luminous Words, Bryce Wolkowitz Gallery, New York, USA
2012  Light Reading - Digital Book Library Project, The National Library of Korea, Seoul, Korea
2011  The Luminous Poem, Gallery Simon, Seoul, Korea
2010  Light Reading, Bryce Wolkowitz Gallery, New York, USA
2010  The bookshelf enLightened, The Vangi Sculpture Garden of Museum, Shizuoka, Japan
2009  The Sublime - The Space of Heterotopia -, Gallery Simon, Seoul, Korea
2009  In Between Utopia and Heterotopia, en Art gallery, Kyoto, Japan
2008  Digital Book Project, Chosun Ilbo one interview Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2008  H.P FRANCE BIJOUX, La fenetre claire, Tokyo, Japan
2008  Lighting Book - Crossing of the Intelligent, Nanyodo Book Center, Tokyo, Japan
2008  One Life, Some Books, Clear Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2007  In Art Gallery, Osaka, Japan
2006  The Site of the Sublime, Kumho Museum, Seoul, Korea
2006  Light of the world, Light of the Intelligence, Art front Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2005  Virtual Space in INNOFEEL, INNOFEEL Design, Seoul, Korea
2003  Kuemsan Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2001  Gallery Iteza, Kyoto, Japan
2001  Media Shop, Kyoto, Japan
2001  Galerie Weissraum, Kyoto, Japan
2001  Kuemsan Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2001  Artsonje Center, Seoul, Korea
2000  Nadiff, Viewing Room Yotsuya, Gallery 5, Tokyo, Japan
1999  Viewing Room Yotsuya, Chiba Yumiko Association, Tokyo, Japan
1998  Galerie Bhak, Seoul, Korea
1997  Gallery Loft, Paris, France
1996  Central Artists House, Moscow, Russia
1996  John N Joe Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
1995  Growrich Gallery, Seoul, Korea
1994  Gallery 2000, Seoul, Korea
1994  Shirota Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
1993  Gallery Icon, Seoul, Korea
1992  Gallery Hyundai, Seoul, Korea
1987  Shirota Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
1986  Duson Gallery, Seoul, Korea
1986  Shirota Gallery, Tokyo, Japan


2024  Heterophony: 10 years of performance, Gwangju Media Art Platform (GMAP), Gwangju, South Korea
2024  Somewhere out There, ICAO Museum, Montreal, Canada 
2024  E-Wha-9 (Ewha Womans University 9 Professors Exhibition), Stellar Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
2024  Dasan, Face the River, Seoho Museum of Art, Silhak Museum of Art, Namyangju, Gyeonggi, South Korea
2023  Future Travel: Time for Adaptation, 60th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between Korea and Canada, 
2023  SAT(Society for Arts, Technology, Montreal, Canada
2023  My Red Your Blue - Beyond the Boundary, Seonggok Museum, Seoul, South Korea
2023  WFMS Shines the Path of Early Female Doctors in Korea, 
            Ewha Womans University Seoul Hospital Art Cube,  Seoul, South Korea
2022 Breaking the Borders, The Hangar, Ras Al Ain, Jordan
2022  Art-ist Way of Seeing, Boontheshop, Seoul
2022  Moments We Encounter, Suwon Museum of Art, Suwon
2021  The World We Made Jeju, Podo Museum, Jeju
2021  Letter of Myself,  San Ul lim Art & Craft, Seoul
2020  The World We Made, Blue Square NEMO, Seoul, Korea
2020  A Larger Mind, Ewha Womans University ECC Daesan Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2020  The wind, Gangneung Art Center, Gangneung , Korea
2020  Minhwa, Korean Folk Paintings Crooning the Song of GyeongGi, Gyeonggi Museum, Yongin, Korea
2020  Born A Woman, Suwon Museum of Art, Suwon, Korea
2020  Connecting and Embracing, Seosomun Shrine History Museum, Seoul, Korea
2020  Prints, Printmaking, Graphic Art, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, Korea 
2019  Women, Go out into the World, The National Women’s History Exhibition Hall, Goyang, Korea 
2019  Women of Independence Movement Sympathy, Memory and Future
           Sejong Center for the Performing Arts, Seoul, Korea
2019  The 25th Anniversary Simon’s Friends, Gallery Simon, Seoul, Korea
2019  Women of the Independence Movement: Memories of 100 years Toward the Future,    
2019  The National Women’s History Exhibition Hall, Goyang, Korea 
2018  King Sejong and Music Hwangjong, Presidential Archives, Sejong city, Korea 
2018  Changwon Sculpture Biennale, Changwon
2018  Artist Project III: Airan Kang, Museum of Contemporary Art Busan, Busan, Korea
2018  Gyeonggi Archive Now, Gyeonggi Sangsang Campus, Suwon
2017  Deoksugung Outdoor Project – Light, Sound, Landscape, Deoksugung, Seoul, Korea
2017  Truth.. Promise for Peace, National Museum of Korean Contemporary History,
            Cheonbuk National University Museum, Korea
2017  Your Hand, My Heart, Gallery Simon, Seoul, Korea
2016  New Romance: Art and the Posthuman, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney,Australia
2016 The Power and Pleasure of Possessions in Korean Painted Screens
            Charles B. Wang Center, Stony Brook University, New York, USA
2016   Liber Numericus, STEREOLUX, Nantes, France 
2015  1st Asia Biennial/5th Guangzhou Triennial: Asia Time, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangdong, China
2015  The Wolf and the Tiger, Milano Museo Della Permanente, Milano, Italy
2015  White Echoes: Poetics of Hanji and Contemporary Art, Museum SAN, Wonju, Korea
2015  New Romance, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea
2015  East Asia Feminism: FANTasia, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
2014  Simon’s friends: 20th Anniversary Exhibition, Gallery Simon, Seoul, Korea
2014  Idealism in East Asia Art, Ewha Womans University Museum, Seoul, Korea
2014  Korean Portraiture, Beyond Memories, Jeonbuk Museum of Art, Jeonju, Korea
2014  Busan Biennale 2014, Busan Museum of Art, Busan, Korea
2014  World Script Symposia: Scripts of the World-the Future is Wild, Sejong Center, Seoul, Korea
2013  Scenes vs Scenes, Buk Seoul Museum of Art Inaugural Exhibition, Seoul, Korea
2013  Power, Where does the Beauty lie?, Soma Museum, Seoul, Korea
2013  Between Mirrors, Ewha Arts Center, Seoul, Korea
2013  Seoul Art Festival, Hangaram Art Museum, Seoul, Korea
2013  Entering into Park Soo Keun Museum, Park Soo Keun Museum, Gangwon, Korea
2013  Total Support for Total Museum, Total Museum, Seoul, Korea
2012  Chae Yong Shin and The Potrait Art of Korea, Jeonbuk Museum of Art, Jeonju, Korea
2011  This Is Not a Book, Urawa Art Museum / Fukui City Art Museum, Japan
2011  Digital Transitions V, Gallery Simon, Seoul, Korea
2011  Print and Information, SeMA, Seoul, Korea
2011  Technology Meets Tradition, Ewha Womans University Museum, Seoul, Korea
2011  Countdown, Seoul Station_Culture Station Seoul 284, Seoul, Korea
2010  Nanjing Biennale “And- Writers”, Jiangsu Provincial Art Museum, Nanjing, China
2010  Eternal Blinking: contemporary Art of Korea, University of Hawaii, USA
2010  Korean Art Show, La Venue, New York, USA
2010  Outer Body Inner Experience, Wood Street Gallery, Pittsburgh, USA
2010  Eternal Blinking: Contemporary Art of Korea, The University of Hawaii, USA
2010  Close Encounter, Jeju Museum of Art, Jeju, Korea
2010  Art @ Dibrary, National Library, Seoul, Korea
2009  Echigo-Tsumari Empty House Project, Tanaka Fumio Library, Echigo Tsumari, Japan
2009  Beginning of New Era, The former site of the Military Hospital, Seoul, Korea
2009  Branch, Kimusa site, Seoul, Korea
2009. Asian Art Biennial <Viewpoints & viewing points>, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Art, Taiwan
2009  You-Ser, ZKM, Center for art and media, Karlsruhe, Germany
2009  7080 Admiration of youth- Memories of Korea Contemporary Art, Chosun Ilbo Art Museum, Seoul, Korea
2009  Another Master Piece, New Acquisitions, Gyeonggi Museum of modern art, Gyeonggi, Korea
2009  Winter Garden, Gallery Simon, Seoul, Korea
2008  Science Spirit and Korea contemporary art - Artist, What is science for you?, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea
2008  Hiroshima Art Project, Hiroshima Bank, Hiroshima, Japan
2008  Digital Transitions IV, Gallery Simon, Seoul, Korea
2008  Youniverse, BIACS3-Bienal de Arte Contemporaneo de Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain
2008  Digital Transition, Gallery Simon, Seoul, Korea
2008  Aesthetics of Printmaking in the era of Reproduction-Edition, Gyeongnam Art Museum, Changwon, Korea
2008  Korean Contemporary Print 1958-2008, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, Korea
2008  Contemporary Korea Art from National Museum of contemporary Art Korea
2008  Korean Cultural Centre UK, London, UK
2007  Seeing, Being seen, Kumho Museum, Seoul, Korea
2007  Memory of books, Heyri, Paju, Korea
2007  Way of Life, Moran Museum, Namyangju, Korea
2007  City Fables Tina b. 2007, Eco - Technical Museum, Prague, Czech 
2006  Busan Biennale - Sea Art Festival, SK pavilion, Busan, Korea
2006  Pre- International Incheon Women Artists Biennale, Incheon, Korea
2006  The Only Book, The Center for Book Arts, New York, USA
2006  Absolutely Private: On Photography from 2000 to the present, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of 
2006  Photography, Tokyo, Japan
2005  Kiss me long and hard, Priska C. Juschka Fine Art, New York, USA
2005  Hello Gutenberg, Prestel Gallery, Frankfurt, Germany
2005  Going Out-Artist Book from Korea, Gutenberg Museum, Mainz, Germany
2005  Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts- Open Studio, EFA Center, New York, USA
2005  Art Cologne “Paik & Beyond-New Media Artist from Korea”, Cologne, Germany
2005  Cheongju International Biennale, Art Center, Cheongju, Korea
2005  With Books, Keumsan Gallery, Heiri, Paju, Korea
2005  The Magic of Art, Museum of Chosun Daily News, Seoul, Korea
2005  From Berlin to DMZ, Olympic Museum, Seoul, Korea
2005  Live Pictures, Jamaica center, New York, USA
2004   The Crystal Land revisited, Aljira Center for Contemporary, New Jersey, USA
2004  The Book as Object and Performance, Gigantic Art Space, New York, USA
2004  Six feet under make nice, White Box, New York, USA
2004  Beyond the Digital Surface, Ewha Womans University Museum, Seoul, Korea
2004  Digital Utopia, Airan Kang & Julio Soto, Gallery Korea, New York, USA
2004  VENT D`EST, Chapple de la Sorbonne, Paris, France
2004  The Tenant, Four Points Hotel, New York, USA
2003  Contemporary Sculpture from Korea and China, Contemporary Art Space Osaka (CASO), Osaka, Japan
2003  D.I.Y. beyond instruction, Total Museum, Seoul, Korea
2003  After 10 years, Insa Art Center, Seoul, Korea
2003  Revolving Door, Chambers Fine Art Gallery, New York, USA
2003  Book Project, Keumho Museum, Seoul, Korea
2003 Seoul Art Book, Book Art, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, Korea
2003  Art in Architecture, Open Ended, Heyri, Paju, Korea
2002  Open Studio, International Studio & Curatorial Program (ISCP), New York, USA
2002  Asian Contemporary Art Week, International Studio & Curatorial Program (ISCP), New York, USA
2002  The Second Seoul International Media Art Biennale, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
2002  Women’s gender(tentative), The University of EWHA Womans Art Museum, Seoul, Korea
2001  The Burgeoning Asian Century, Contemporary Art Space Osaka(CASO), Gallery Kaze, Osaka, Japan
2001  Digital City, Space Sadi Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2001  The Exhibition of winners in the International Print Art competition, Seoul Art center, Seoul, Korea
2000  New Acquisitions 1999, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, Korea
2000  Unexpected Visit - An Unique House, Ilmin Museum, Seoul, Korea
2000  Moogunghwa(Hibiscus), Mount san Antonio College Museum of Art, Pomona, C.A, USA
2000  Intellect and Sensibility, Seoul Art Center, Seoul, Korea
1999  Korean Contemporary Art, The University of Wyoming Art Museum, Laramie Wyoming, USA
1999  The 14th Asian International Art Exhibition, Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, Fukuoka, Japan
1999  La stampa Coreana Contemporanea, Calcografia Nacional, Madrid, Spain
1998  Ann Gooding, Airan Kang 2 Person Show, L.A. Artcore Center Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
1998  Korean Contemporary Printmaking 30 Years, Seoul Metropolitan Museum, Seoul, Korea
1998  C3 Korean Contemporary Art, Cerrillos Cultural Center, Santa Fe, New Mexico
1998  2nd International Triennial of Graphic Art Prague, Prague, Czech
1998  The Korean WRAPsody, Korean American Museum, Los Angeles, USA
1997  22. International Biennial of Graphic Art, Modern Gallery, National Museum of Slovenia, 
           Cankarjev Dom, Ljubljana, Slovenia
1996  The Colors and Sentiments of Korea, Posco Gallery, Seoul, Korea
1996  The Grand Prix Exhibition, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, Korea
1995  ‘95 Seoul Art Exhibition, Seoul Metropolitan Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
1995  The Blessings, John N Joe Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
1994  The Leading Artists of Korea in the Years of 2000, Unhyun Palace Museum, Seoul, Korea
1993  Korean Contemporary print of 40 years, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, Korea
1992  The 8th Seoul International Print Biennale, Seoul Metropolitan Museum of Art of Art, Seoul, Korea
1991   Korean Graphic Art Now, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia
1990  The 55th Women Artists Exhibition, Total Museum, Seoul, Korea
1989  Bangladesh International Art Biennale, Dhaka, Bangladesh
1988  The 6th Seoul International Print Biennale, Seoul Press Center, Seoul, Korea
1987  C.W.A.J. Exhibition, American Club, Tokyo, Japan
1987  The 6th National Art Exhibition, The National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, Korea
1986  The 6th Japan International Art Exhibition, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Art, Tokyo, Japan
1986  The 60th National Art Exhibition, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of art, Tokyo, Japan
1986  The 5th National Art Exhibition, The National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, Korea
1986  Kanakawa Independent Exhibition, Kanakawa Art Center, Yokohama, Japan
1985  ‘85 Grand Prix Exhibition, Tokyo Central Museum, Tokyo, Japan
1985  The 2nd R.O.C International Art Biennale, Taipei Fine Art Museum, Taipei, Taiwan