2024, The Thought of Books and Multilayered Space-Time - Eunyoung Park
2023, Airan Kang : Making connections through objects-in-action - Yunjo Park
2020, The Contemplation of Books and Multi-Layered Space-Time: Ahn Kae-ran's Digital Book Project - Akira Tatehata
2020, Kang Airan's "Digital Book" Changes into new Feminist Clothes - Honghee Kim
2016, In Face wit the Women in Colonial Joseon - DongYeon Koh
2015, The Luminous Poem - Jean Dykstra
2014, The Concern of Book, the Consolation of Light - ChanWoong Lee
2012, Airan Kang’s Utopia Project–Sublime or Sublimation - Misook Son
2011, Mise-en-Scène of Light: A Fragmentary Thought on Airan Kang’s Poetic Logic - San Lim
2010, Kang Airan’s Digital Book Project: “Virtual Book” as Expansion of the Book or Expanded Book - Honghee Kim
2009, The Space of Sensuous Experience and the Simulation of the Sublime - Youngdo Jeong
2008, On Airan Kang’s Art World: Digital Book Project and Heterotopian Space - Kunio Motoe
2004, Cyber Book City : Airan Kang <Digital Book Project> - ShinEui Park
2000, Meta-Communication of Reality and Virtuality - Yongwoo Lee
1998, The Double Gaze of Pottari: Concealment and Exposure - Taehee Kang
1997, Voyages - Jean François Mozziconacci
1996, Kang Airan - Peter Frank
1996, A Hidden Expression of “The Cool Mind” - Jaekil Yoo
1994, Kang Airan's Painterly and Feminine Printing World - Honghee Kim
1993, Reproduced Forms and Abstract Patterns: The Dual Meaning of the Wrapping Cloth - Nanji Yoon
1992, Transformation of the "Bojaki": From Symbol to Computer Art - Jeong Byeong-kwan
1986, Poetic Languages - Byeongkwan Jeong